Angels Poetry 19.

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Can’t Explain!

I can’t describe to you the way I feel,
But I can say my feelings are for real.
My thoughts of you stay on my mind,
Ill do anything even give you my time.
I am so happy you are by my side,
All these feelings I will never hide.
You are and always will be in my heart,
I can’t stand the pain when we are apart.
There is no one as special as you are to me,
I really hope you are beginning to see.
Just how much I love and care for you,
and that all my feelings are totally true.
There is no way to describe how I care,
remember when you need me ill be there.
To wipe the tears you have when your sad,
and make you happy when you are mad.
Those are the things I really can do,
and remember I am always thinking.
You are always on my mind 24 / 7,
when I’m with you I feel like I’m in heaven.
Some times we have our opposite sights,
but you know I am always right.
My feelings for you will stay the same,
and the way I care will never change.

My Angel Too!

Everyday you are loved more and more
you are the one I've cared most for.
I believe you are so sweet and so kind,
someone like you is very hard to find.

I know we have had our ups and downs,
and I've seen a lot more smiles then frowns.
You make me feel so special in every way,
And you always manage to brighten my day.

We talked about the future we'd have together,
And know we would be together forever.
You know you are the one I will always love,
I know you are my angel sent from above.

The Night!

I saw our souls walking at night
And I know this time it is so right
I never felt anything like this before
I have a want and a hunger for a lot more
Seven long years later our love is strong
I know deep in my heart we did no wrong
You spoke the words I dreamed to hear
I have a grin from ear to ear
So here I am lying awake in my bed
It's 4am and your still in my head

The past!

I always think of the day we fist met
I know deep down that I have no regrets
You showed up and my heart skipped a beat
I took one look at you and got knocked off my feet
You asked me out and you took my hand
And wanting to go was all I could stand
But to your relief I didn't say no
At that moment you were glad I did go

True Angel!

Once an angel touched my soul
he helped me to get through.
Everything that life had thrown
at me I was shown what to do.

When life started to get me down
and I hate to face each day.
Smile,things will always get better
is what my angel did say.

So I have to thankyou my angel
for sharing all you know and saver.
You gave me hope for a future so bright
I hope I can return the favor.

What Are Dreams!

Dreams are always pleasant and sweet
Dreams are a short lasting treat
Dreams are us dreaming the night away
Dreams are what we think to say
Dreams are precious things on our mind
Dreams are never scary or unkind
In our dreams life is perfect and good
But with real life. . .if only I could
But with a dream anything is possible