Angels Poetry 7.

The Man I Will Always Love!
You are the only man I will ever love
You are the only one for me
You are the only one I will give my trust
And my heart will be yours for eternity
Your beauty does outshine the very brightest star
You are the angel who is among us all
And lucky are the ones who touched your love
And I'm the luckiest of all

Key To My Heart!
The time is here for me to let you know
My mind is cluttered and my love will grow
My love is too strong and I fell it so deep
I know it isn't wrong so I will not weep
No need to cry when it feels so right
No need to ever put up a fight
I'll let you in my tight sealed doors
To love you is no sin nor is it a chore
The keys to my heart are hidden far away
And they're harder and harder to find each day
Somewhere inside me it is a hidden art
There is a key in there for you to my heart

Mother Never Dies!
When was a child she was happy and gay
When her mother were young and laughed as she played.
You laid life's foundations in the days of her youth
Then as she grew up you taught her life's truth's
When it became time for her to go and leave home
Your teachings went with her wherever she roamed
As she will often remember and always realize
Her mom is special and wonderfully wise
And as she grows older she looks back with love
She noticed that her mom was a gift from above
And when mom goes home to receive her reward
She will dwell in God's kingdom and be with the Lord
That's why a mother never dies

My Angel!
You can ask me about it for,
I really honestly do know.
I had a wonderful angel come,
to me and help a while ago.
He welcomed me with his open,
arms and a loving heart.
And promised no matter what,
we would never be apart.
Well angels keep their promises,
mine is always there.
To encourage and to understand,
to comfort and to care.

Our Hearts Beat As One!
When our hearts beat as one,
They hold the true meaning of love.
When our hearts beat as one,
We know we are blessed from above.
When our hearts beat as one,
They have a future in there hands.
When our hearts beat as one,
We hardly have any other demands.
When our hearts beat as one,
It takes nothing to help them grow.
When our hearts beat as one,
We can never reach an all time low.
When our hearts beat as one,
We are as hopeful as can be.
Just as I pray that the two hearts,
I speak of belong to you and me.

Special Day!
Held you up high for all to see
You gather us all up to see
Oh so tiny, so pretty you see
What a precious sight you be.
That day will remain forever
Caught up in your mind so clever
You will have that precious baby
We all just had to come to see