Angels Poetry 14.

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Love You Forever!

My love for you is so deep I love you so much,
I love the way your voice sounds and the way we touch.
I love your warm smile and your kind wonderful ways,
the joy that you bring to my life each and every day.
Ill love you today tomorrow as I have from the start,
Ill love you now and forever with all of my heart.

May We Last Forever!

May what we have last forever,
May I sail upon your bright sea.
May we always be together,
May we always be a WE.

May I always be your endless sky,
May you love to have me near.
May you never wonder where I am,
May you always look and see me there.

May we always bring each other a smile,
May our love be as warm as the sun.
May our pains be gone forever,
May all our suffering be done.

May we share all our special days,
May this happiness we have be just for two.
May we never go separate ways,
May my love remain with in you.

Me And You!

Come with me into the dark night,
Help me make my dreams take flight.
Sit with me beneath the bright moon,
Cuddle me please and make it soon.
Sit beside me do not leave here,
Chase away my hearts fears.
Stay with me threw out the years,
Help me dry away all my tears.
You know the words I need to hear,
Maybe you will whisper then in my ear.
Hold me gentle love me long and hard,
You like 5 stud poker you're my wild card.

Most Friends!

Most friends are like an owl,
their beautiful and wise.
Or maybe their like a ghost,
whose spirit never dies.

Most friends are like blades of grass,
you never ever mow.
They stand straight and tall and proud,
in a perfect little row.

Most friends are like a heart that goes,
strong until the end.
Where would I be in this world,
if we weren't good friends.

My First Love!

I was in a lot of pain for so long,
everyone tried to help told me to be strong.

But nothing they ever said seemed like enough,
I need more when the times got real love.

One fine day you entered my life,
when you turned and left you took my strife.

The night we fell in love I knew it was real,
you is who I needed to help my heart heal.

I thought the love I had was real before,
it turned out to be fake a crush no more.

I honestly know what real love means,
it is to forget and forgive to go to extremes.

I will not fear life as I once did,
now I am willing to fight for I once hid.

You are everything in the world I need,
before I'm too attached this warning do heed.

That you are stuck with me forever and ever,
you know I'll give my all to keep us together.

You are my true angel come down from above,
I am saying that you are my first true love.

My Only Angel!

Each day I find I love you more,
you are the man I care most for.

I know you are so sweet and kind,
someone as special as you is hard to find.

We all have our ups and downs,
but there are more smiles then frowns.

Because of you I feel special in every way,
and you have always brightened my day.

We have talked over our future together,
and I know well be together forever.

Because you are that special one ill always love,
I know you are my angel from above.