Angels Poetry 4.

The Great Spot!
I went to the beach,and I thought of you.
I caught some fish,But only very few.
Went into the store,to get me some ice.
Everyone gathered to,to say those are nice.
Then they all asked me,where can we all go.
I can't sorry only,me and my sweet know.
If you want some help,I'll give you a hand.
Drive to the beach,and look at the sand.
They all looked at me ,and said what the hey.
Go look for my sweetie,I wrote it big as day.
That's the very place,where I had my luck.
I wrote my sweetie,as big as my truck.

The Eagle in my eyes!
The eagle is feared but yet he is loved
As he glides all day on the clouds above
He is sometimes wanted and sometimes despised
We all know that wisdom is written in his eyes
You do not look fearful and you are very bold
You have claws like steel or so I've been told
You re a symbol of peace and s symbol of war
You are so very wise and will be forever more.
You are welcome and then sometimes rejected
I know you are very humble and well respected
As you spend each day in the blue sky
You become the spirit eagle in my eyes

Together forever!
Our arms are wide open
Our bodies they touch
Looking at you makes me
See I want you so much
I feel your warmth near me
In all that I crave
It is something that I really
Want for each and every day
When our bodies are together
What a beautiful thought
And I always knew it was
You the one I always sought

You didn't know!
The one I really love is an
Exciting part of my soul
And with him in my life
My emotions lose control
I feel an urgent need to
Always be with him
When I'm not with him
Life is just endless and dim
I want to make it very clear
My love for you will never die
And every time he says I love you
It makes me want to cry

A Recipe For Friend Ship!
You need to fold two hands together,
and next express a dash of sorrow.
You need to marinate it overnight,
and then work on it tomorrow.
Next chop one grudge in tiny pieces,
then add several full cups of love.
Dredge them with a X large sized smile,
next mix with the ingredients above.
Dissolving the hate that's within you,
by always doing a good deed.
Next cut in and give help to a friend,
if he, she should be in need.
Then stir in laughter love and kindness,
from the heart it has to come.
Toss it with genuine forgiveness,
and give everybody some.
The amount of people it will serve,
will depend totally upon you.
It could serve the whole wide world,
if you really really wished it too.

All My Life!
My whole entire life I have longed for
that someone who would always love me,
For who I am and not a thing more
so you my darling you are the key.
Everyday that we are together
feels like another day in paradise,
Knowing I found someone to love me
really does feel so truly nice.
These lonely days and these lonely nights
they are gone never to come back again,
I have a lot of love to give to you
and it all comes from within.