Angels Poetry 12.

Special Friends!
You are a very special friend,
One im glad I met.
I hope our friendship last forever,
And we never do forget.
Its fun to chat with people,
Who injoy a friendly chat.
We will meet again and yes,
And have a chat and that is that.

Some days my thoughts are lifeless,
All shriveled up and dead.
They waste the space with in my mind,
And cletter up my head.
And other days they shine and glow,
Beautiful and free.
They catch the breeze within myself,
And tell my you're a friend indeed.

What About Me And You!
I closed the door to my heart so no one could get in.
I was tired of my heart only getting hurt it wasnt happen again.
I threw the key away that went to the door in my heart.
I never wanted it to be opened again or even ripped apart.
One day you opened your hand and proved to my I was wrong.
In side your hand was the key to my heart it was there all along.
I know as time goes by my heart will grow very very near.
To the one person in my life who is very very dear.

What Is Happiness!
Happiness is climbing an oak tree and finding you at the top.
Happiness is going to the ballpark knowing you would be there.
Happiness is 3 knids of ice cream which look as good as you.
Happiness is finding out the meaning of life and sharing it with you.
Happiness is finding a special gold and realizing its to your heart.
Happiness is lying in the dark and thinking only of you.
Happiness is a nice dream of only being with you.
Happiness is being able to fall in love and knowing it is true.

Why Oh Why !
Why look for LOVE to find hate.
Why look for LIGHT to find darkness.
Why look for DAY to fine night.
Why look for FRIENDS to fine enemies.
Why look for LIFE to find death.
Why look for PEACE to find confussion.
Why look for HELP to find none.
Why look for COMPANY to fine loneliness.
Why look for SOMETHING thats not there.

Created Earth!
The earth was created by the creator
We should always leave it as it was
Why should we leave it as it was just because
We should walk with the earth instead of on it
This is the legacy of our father he never quit
The earth is our friend so make no mistake
We should always give back as much as we take
Always pray to the creator for all he has given us
And respect everything he has given us