Angels Poetry 15.

My Sandals!
The Gospel road He traveled well.
The cross He carried, at times He fell.
His sandals worn for you and I,
we sent Him out for us to die.
He wore the crown, and carried the cross.
The nails, and whip were all for us.
He rose again, our sin was paid,
A pair of sandals for us He made.
The Gospel Road I'll travel well,
my cross to carry, His love I'll tell.

My Wish Too You!
If I had a wish know what it would be,
That you would be treated the way you treat me.
There is a lot you don't even conceder to know,
I have feelings even thou you don't even think so.
You think that by hurting me it is all a game,
until tomorrow you wake up calling my name.
And then you will get on your hands and knees,
and remember all the hurtful things you did to me.
Ill watch you cry while lying helpless on the floor,
next ill help you to your feet and kick you out the door.

One Dark Night!
One warm night my dreams seem to of come true,
I did not see it coming all I did see was you.
You hit me like a tidal wave you look all my fears away,
I did not know what you wanted but I hope you're here to stay.
Now I imagine how you are was it fate that very night,
I sit and think and know in my world you're my light.

Open My Eyes!
Teach me, Lord to make the right choice,
By opening my ears to hearing your voice.
Prepare my heart to receive your words,
and make me available to do the good work.
When I open my eyes, to start each new day,
Direct them upward, to you as I pray,
Give me a heart that's ready to fill,
and make it receptive to doing your will.
At the end of the day, give me reason to pause,
and show me the purpose you had from the start.
For my reason for living is to fit in your plan,
a vessel that's full, and taking a stand.

Up all night working so hard all repairs are underway,
I'm trying to patch up my broken heart or at least find a way.
My heart has been around awhile give it tender loving care,
my heart has been broken more then once it has patches everywhere.
I need lots of patience because I don't know where to start,
putting more patches over patches to mend my broken heart.
When you get the hang of things it wont take you that long,
first what you should check out to see what exactly went wrong.
There now I'm done last patch in place but there is no guarantee,
I am really hoping it lasts awhile for this heart belongs to me

All I wanted was to be part of your heart,
and for us to be together and never be apart.
No one anywhere can ever compare,
your as perfect as the love we share.
We have more then I thought we would,
I love you more then I thought I could.
I will give you all that I have to give,
Ill do anything for you as long as I live.
Your eyes show the present future and past,
seeing the way you look I know it will last.
I'm hoping one day you will come to realize,
how perfect you are when seen threw my eyes.